Manuscript Preparation
This document provides details on the process of submitting your paper and layout requirements for the final manuscript submission to the Journal of Community Research. We recommend authors use the JCR Word Template (download here) when preparing manuscripts.
Formatting Requirements
- Do not include page numbers, headers, or footers. These will be added by the editors.
- Write your article in English.
- Use the APA (7th Edition) format for citations and references.
- Submit your manuscript, including tables, figures, appendices, etc., as a single file (Microsoft Word, ODF or RTF format).
- Page size should be 21cm x 29.7cm (A4).
- All margins (left, right, top and bottom) should be 3.8 cm, including your tables and figures.
- Single space your text.
- Please include an abstract (250 words maximum). Please do not include subheadings in the abstract.
- Use a single column layout with both left and right margins justified.
- Font Size and Style:
- Article Title – 18pt, Arial, Bold
- Author – 14pt, Arial, Bold
- Level one heading – 11pt, Arial, Bold, Uppercase
- Level two heading – 11pt, Arial, Bold
- Level three heading – 11pt, Arial, Bold, Colon
- Main Body — 11 pt. Arial
- Text within figures and tables —9 pt. Arial
- Titles of figures and tables—11 pt. Arial
Additional Recommendations
Indenting, Line Spacing, and Justification: Do not indent paragraphs. All text should be left-justified (i.e., flush with the left margin—except where indented). Where possible, it should also be right-justified (i.e., flush with the right margin).
Language & Grammar: All submissions must be in English and adopting Oxford English conventions (i.e., -ize endings, with exceptions such as 'analyse'). Do not use ampersands, but instead use the full word 'and' on all occasions.
Article Length: Papers should not exceed 7000 words (including abstract and references). Notes of approximately 1500 words and reviews of approximately 1500 words are also acceptable. Notes are short articles that may raise new ideas or outline an innovative practice. Reviews may be book reviews on the subject of community development or a related subject.
Text Colour: Set the font colour to black for the text. Authors should be aware that the Journal of Community Research publishes in black and white only, so complex use of colour in figures, tables etc, will not translate well in a black and white publication. Please ensure that there are no coloured mark-ups or comments in the final version, unless they are meant to be part of the final text. (You may need to 'accept all changes' in track changes or set your document to 'normal' in final mark-up.)
Emphasised text: Whenever possible use italics to indicate text you wish to emphasise rather than underlining it. Do not use colour to emphasise text.
Font faces and size: Use 11 pt. Arial for main body text, except in rare cases where special symbols are needed. Use 9 pt. Arial for text within figures and tables and 11 pt. Arial for figure and table titles.
Headings: Title Headings: Use sentence case in Arial using 18 pt.
Level One Headings: Use uppercase, bold face, in 11 pt. Arial font. There should be space above the headings but no space below the headings.
Level Two headings: Use sentence case, Arial, 11 pt. font in bold. There should be space above the headings and no space below the headings.
Level Three headings: Use sentence case, bold Arial 11 pt. font, colon followed by body of text.
Main text: The font for the main body of text must be black and in 11 pt. Arial.
Tables and Figures: Use 9 pt. Arial font for data appearing in tables and figures. To the extent possible, tables and figures should appear in the document near where they are referenced in the text. Large tables or figures should be put on pages by themselves. Avoid the use of overly small type in tables. In no case should tables or figures be in a separate document or file. If figures are included, use high-resolution figures.
Ideally, tables and figures should fit within 3.8 cm margins on all sides (top, bottom, left and right) in both portrait and landscape view. If necessary, a narrower margin of 3cm may be used to accommodate large tables and figures.
The axes of all graphs should be labelled appropriately. Where possible, axis labels should be parallel to the relevant axis. Do not use stylised graphs (e.g. 3D bar graphs). Avoid using horizontal or vertical gridlines on graphs unless their inclusion considerably aids the reading of a graph.
All figures and tables should be numbered and include brief explanatory titles. Table titles appear above the table. Figure titles appear below the figure. All titles in tables and figures should be in 11 pt. Arial text.
Again, avoid unnecessary use of colour in tables and figures as the Journal of Community Research is published in black and white.
Numbers: Use words for numbers below 10 except when the number is a score, measurement, mathematical function, etc. Be consistent with the number of significant figures and/or decimal places used in tables and in the text.
References: It is the author's obligation to provide complete references with the necessary information. After the last sentence of your submission, please insert a line break—not a page break—and begin your references on the same page, if possible. References should appear right after the end of the document, beginning on the last page if possible.
References should have margins that are both left and right- justified. You may choose not to right-justify the margin of one or more references if the spacing looks too awkward. Each reference should give the last names of all the authors, their first names or first initials, and, optionally, their middle initials.
Use hanging indents for citations in the reference list (i.e., the first line of the citation should be flush with the left margin and all other lines should be indented from the left margin by 0.5 cm). Citations should be single-spaced
In-text citations and the reference list should follow the guidelines set out in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) with the following exceptions:
Where possible, the issue number of a journal article should be provided irrespective of the pagination style of the journal.
A doi or URL for a journal is optional but desirable. However, for advance online publications and electronic-only articles, a doi/URL must be provided.